Peter Valenčič Apps

MBP Vida 1.8
Review of meteorological data from buoys VIDA
Gotof je.. 2.4
Arkadna igra za potešitev napetosti..Igra se tako, da..- klik na sredino ekrana sproži "raketo"..- klik na levo stran premakne raketo v levo- klik na desno pa v desnoNekaj različnih stopenj z novimi podobami... Če pa si resdoberbodo zlikovci prileteli tudi iz lune...glasba: Prodigy - Invaders must die
Spearfishing utility 1.1
All spearfishermen eventually when they become experts, personalizetheir equipment, one of the first things to customize are theslings, seeking for a solution that will give better performances.-Calculate sling length from barrel length, head width, wishbonelength and enlogation factor. -Get information about number of pumpstrokes and pressure for major air guns (Omer, Cressi, Mares,...)KW Arbalete, apnea, pescasub, spearfishing, sub, diving, spearfish,pesca, fishing, roller, apnea, Cressi, Omer, podvodni ribolov,ribolov